Not only are new Titleist TSi drivers making their first major championship appearance, but the all-new Titleist Tour Truck is making its first U.S. Open appearance as well.
The team has spent over a year thoughtfully designing every nook and cranny of their new mobile workshop and for very good reason: Titleist is the overwhelming golf equipment choice for more players and more champions than any competitive brand.
That means Titleist Tour reps are building and adjusting more equipment than any other manufacturer on TOUR and they need a rig that allows them to keep up with demand. No one understands what it takes to service that type of demand more than J.J. Van Wezenbeeck (Director of Player Promotion) and Aaron Dill (Director of Wedge Relations).
Join JJ and Aaron as they take you on a tour of their new digs:
Tour J.J.'s Section
Tour A.D.'s Section
watch?v=wDE EyYv5Hg&feature=youtu.be